Pommes der Pinguin hält einen grossen gelben Stern in den Händen
Pommes der Pinguin hält einen grossen gelben Stern in den Händen
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Über 1,6 Millionen Schüler*innen nutzen sofatutor Über 1,6 Millionen Schüler*innen nutzen sofatutor
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14. Jun 2022

sofatutor Picnic 2022 - finally picnic again

Summer is the time for picnics. Unfortunately, we could not continue the cherished tradition of our company picnic for the last 2 years due to COVID-19.Therefore it was an even greater pleasure when this year it was time again for the "Family & Friends Picnic” to come together with our work colleagues and get to know their families and closest friends at Treptower Park as we did many times before COVID-19.

2. Jun 2022

Working Remote @ sofatutor

What is it like to work 100% remotely at sofatutor? Get some insights from our Talent Acquisition Manager, Juliane:

17. Mai 2022

Creative work, house, and team building @sofatutor

As Berlin finally showed its friendly spring face at the end of April, our team was drawn in the fresh air. Work and laptops stayed on our desks, and we spent the day outside the office.

26. Apr 2022

Solidarity with Ukraine

We remain saddened and shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine for over two months now. We hope for an easing of the situation and an end to the suffering that this war brings. Our thoughts in these difficult times are with the people of Ukraine.

14. Apr 2022

Employees train employees - The Remote Conference Day @sofatutor

Last week, on April 5th, everyone at sofatutor had the same appointment scheduled: Remote Conference Day… A day on which we could learn from and with each other. Learn about projects and structures of other sofatutor teams and about topics that are not specifically sofatutor-related.

22. Feb 2022

Criminal thrilling: Welcoming the new year @sofatutor

To welcome the new year, the sofatutor team came together and showed that we are ready to meet new challenges. Whether unexpected, difficult or even scary – we will master them together with fun and commitment, as shown in our New Year’s crime dinner last week!

7. Feb 2022

E-Learning with sofatutor characters around the world. What's better than being educated by an ape?

Being educated by an axolotl or a turtle. At least James, from team content, thinks so. He is joined by Axel, the axolotl, Tank, the turtle and other sofatutor characters.
Today’s blog-post introduces you to some of our newest team members. Whether human or animal, they share the mission of making digital education creative and exciting. Since a significant part of our team is international, the blog-posts are now in English :)

11. Jan 2022

sofatutor goes international!

2021 hat uns ein Projekt besonders beschäftigt: die Internationalisierung.
Wir möchten E-Learning über die Grenzen des DACH-Marktes hinaus mitgestalten. Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen sollen unsere digitalen Lerninhalte weltweit nutzen können.

30. Dez 2021

Frohe Weihnachten! - Digitale Festlichkeiten bei sofatutor

Spekulatius und Lebkuchen. Dazu Glühwein, Gin oder vielleicht ein Glas Sekt?
Im sofatutor-Büro in Berlin-Friedrichshain war es in den letzten Tagen vor Weihnachten vermutlich recht still. Vor über hundert sofatutor-Bildschirmen herrschte am 21. Dezember dieses Jahr hingegen vorweihnachtliches Treiben. Zum zweiten Mal feierte das Team den Jahresabschluss digital.

16. Dez 2021

Hands-on: Praktikum & Werkstudium bei sofatutor

Als Praktikant*in und Werkstudent*in bei sofatutor erlebst du, wie nach der Hands-on-Mentalität gelebt und gearbeitet wird. Du bist wichtiger Teil deines Teams, betreust eigene Aufgabenbereiche und bringst die digitale Bildung durch dein Engagement jeden Tag ein Stückchen weiter!

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