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6. Jul 2023

Teacher Premium: sofatutor’s new offer for teachers and schools

In May, we launched a new offer specifically for teachers. With Teacher Premium, individual teachers can now take advantage of all the benefits of our online learning platform and share our content with their students.
In this post you’ll learn what Teacher Premium offers in detail, why it was developed and who was involved in the process.

Essentially, sofatutor addresses three target groups with its e-learning offerings:
Students and their parents, schools and teachers. The Teacher Premium Account essentially combines the advantages of two sofatutor offers: The individual access for teachers and the license we offer for entire schools.

Initially sofatutor’s first subscribers were parents whose school children used the product to learn at home. In the meantime however, sofatutor is not only used by learners for homeschooling or digital tutoring. Our e-learning offer is also known among teachers to prepare and follow up lessons but also to actively integrate sofatutor in their lessons.
Since 2013, teachers can use sofatutor free of charge. Via the basic access, they can share our didactically-approved learning videos and exercises with their students for 14 days.

The same year, we also started collaborations with the first schools. With this, all teachers at collaborating schools could use sofatutor content and share it with their students. As part of school licenses, which were launched in 2022, teachers can now moreover view and organize individual classes, courses and learning groups via the school directory.
A school license includes not only access to sofatutor’s learning content, but also the opportunity to digitally organize and manage groups of students.

In close exchange with school representatives, our schools team noticed a continuously growing interest in the school license benefits especially among individual teachers. How can we use advanced features without our school paying? The solution: Teacher Premium.

In close cooperation with our schools team, Team Blue (one of our cross-functional teams in Product and Tech, which specializes on the needs of teachers) developed an offer that enables individual teachers in Germany to use most features of a sofatutor school license.
Through extensive market analyzes and various user tests, they specified the requirements for the new offer, which successfully launched a month ago.

Teacher Premium is one initiative of our team to respond to individual needs, but we continuously are working on sofatutor’s learning features in order to improve educational opportunities through digital learning. Do you want to join us on this mission?
On our website you can apply for open positions or send in your initiative application.
Here’s a little teaser: Soon we’ll be looking for a Backend Engineer, who will work together with Team Blue on sofatutor offers customized for teachers and schools.
We invite you to follow us on our website and blog to keep you up to date on this and other new opportunities at sofatutor.

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