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31. Jul 2024

sofatutor's virtual reality team events: A look into the future of remote working

Between January and May, we jumped into virtual reality.
How can we shape our collaboration there? What opportunities does VR offer for sofatutor as a remote-first company? Today we summarize on the blog what we have experienced in the last few months during our first VR team events.

How do meetings and team events work in virtual reality?

Our colleagues around the world have been temporarily sent VR glasses to meet in their sub-teams for a few hours in virtual reality. Our IT team ensured that we had access to virtual meeting areas with our avatars, where we could stand together at the whiteboard and share ideas. 💡 Thanks to our IT team, the breaks were highlights as well, as pre-installed games allowed us to play mini-golf together, compete on the car racing track or in a dance battle. However, such an excursion into another world can also be quite exhausting, to quote some colleagues “dizzying”. That’s why there were always short interruptions in between to take off the glasses and return to reality.

Fun and dizziness – impressions from our team

You can get even more impressions on our social media channels. We have shared various formats in which team members share insights and experiences from their individual VR team events:

  • On Instagram, you can follow Naomi around during her team event, as she shares insights from the arrival of the VR glasses in her apartment in Italy, the first testing and event itself.
  • You can also find first impressions and photos of our team members from the ongoing events on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Last but not least, we interviewed colleagues about their personal experiences and visions in a short video series.

Virtual reality – what’s next?

One thing is for sure: We are only at the beginning of our VR journey.
Coffee breaks together in the virtual office? E-learning in the virtual sofatutor universe? What exactly sofatutor’s VR future will look like remains to be seen… What’s already clear today is that we want to make even greater use of VR headsets to strengthen sofatutor’s remote-first culture and bring our international teams together “in person” in a new way. The VR headsets will therefore soon be on their way again to start a second round of these innovative team events with our learnings of the first round. But before that, we’re looking forward to our Summer Event Week in July, where we’ll see everyone on site in Berlin!

Whether it’s a team event in VR or in Berlin, you can get your own impression of how we live remote-first on our social media channels. We look forward to you joining us!

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