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23. Jun 2022

Get started @sofatutor: from Trainee to Team Lead

At our Family and Friends picnic in May, we not only got to know our colleagues’ favorite drinks and snacks but some interesting backgrounds and careers. In addition to many new faces in very different positions and levels, there are also some team members who “grew up” together with sofatutor. Angelina is one of them. While she joined sofatutor as Marketing Trainee nearly five years ago, she now leads Team Organic Growth herself.

Angelina joined sofatutor in 2017 after discovering her interest in marketing and SEO during an internship at Flaconi. Asking her about what the company looked like back then, she not only visualizes a totally different-looking office to what you’ll find in Berlin-Friedrichshain today. She also describes processes and structures as somehow charming chaotic compared to today. Despite all developments and our growth in recent years, one thing has fortunately always remained: there is still a certain start-up charm that accompanies everyday work.

As sofatutors office, team, and structures developed, Angi’s position changed as well. Her tasks and responsibilities grew and today she is responsible for her sub-team in marketing.
During her traineeship in marketing, she quickly focused on SEO (search engine optimization). With her further deepened expertise in this area, she became Junior, Mid Level, and then Senior Marketing Manager for SEO within the last years. Since February, she has officially led Team Organic Growth, currently consisting of three team members, more to come.
Although this new role, combining responsibilities for strategic as well as operational and leadership tasks, is challenging her sometimes, she enjoys expanding the team and being the point of contact with her professional expertise. To prepare for this new position, Angi participated in our Team Lead Learning, with which we aim to support our team leads and promote their further development as leaders. Learning sessions for example consist of collegial case management, external coaching and internal training on various leadership topics. Therefore she looks at this broad area of ​​responsibility as a challenge from which she can learn and grow. This steep and continuous learning curve at sofatutor has always been particularly important to her.

Looking back on her journey at sofatutor, Angelina describes her first project as the biggest learning lesson of her career so far. Although she identified a bottleneck and found its solution, the practical implementation didn’t work after all. She says it was at this point that she learned to put aside failures, move on, and use them for good later.
She says that what has helped her in particular throughout the last years is that over time she was able to build up a very safe learning environment, in which she feels comfortable asking questions and challenging herself with new tasks. The better she got to know her company, team, products, and tasks, the more secure she felt in her area of expertise and thus became more curious and confident.

What I take from my conversation with Angelina is the confidence with which she not only moves at sofatutor but also in her specialist area in marketing and SEO encouraged by the supportive learning environment at sofatutor and our motivated team.

Do you want to kick off your career, develop your skills or take other important steps in your professional life together with us? Whether you are a student or junior, senior or team lead, check out our job page and become part of our team! We look forward to your application.

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